LEF and SNCF Voyageurs are very proud and excited to be part of ITxPT association, to extend the label to Heavy Rail and to set up a new laboratory in Le Mans for ITxPT association. This new laboratory will be part of ITxPT lab network, in a collaborative way of working and will label as well tram, bus or railways modules and vehicles.
In ITxPT Activity Report 2021, Anders Selling, Secretary General comments this new activity :” We also have exciting news coming up regarding the ITxPT labs. TPG, the public transport authority Geneva, and the French national railways, SNCF are committed to building local ITxPT labs to facilitate their own implementation and provide lab resources to others as part of the ITxPT collaborative community.”
Please feel free to contact us if you need more information in ITxPT for Railways

ITxPT – A strategic choice
In a world with continually accelerating IT evolution, it is beneficial to become a strategic or principal member of ITxPT and join the world-leading mobility actors in developing the future of Mobility IT. In all areas of Mobility and smart city solutions, there is a need for sharing standardized data between systems and services, which the ITxPT specifications support.

SNCF implements ITxPT on Heavy Rail
The French national railway company SNCF has recognized the strategic benefits of ITxPT for the heavy rail sector. Through their determined work within the ITxPT collaborative community and the EU project Connecta3, SNCF establishes the ITxPT specifications within heavy rail.

« Until recently, the railway embedded systems were based on a legacy of proprietary silo concepts that made them costly due to a redundancy of functions and complex interfaces. Silo systems also lead to obsolescence management issues and a lack of scalability and innovation possibilities.
For the benefit of authorities, operators, and the industry within public transport, the railway stakeholders need a standard-based open IT platform to achieve interoperability and multimodality.
Therefore, in 2020, SNCF took the initiative to launch and lead the ITxPT Heavy Rail working group. It has already developed concrete functional requirements and technical specifications with the active contribution of the leading railway players. We promote the ITxPT label throughout the heavy rail ecosystem, including international standardization bodies, making ITxPT a cornerstone of interoperability standards. We make it happen! »
Laurent Llerena
Senior Expert – Système Engineering
SNCF Rolling Stock Engineering Center