TRY&CERT, an economic interest grouping, whose registered office is at 4 RUE ANDRE CAMPRA – 93200 SAINT-DENIS, France.

SIRET : 850 821 156 APE Code  : 7120B VAT Number : FR66850821356

Telephone: +33 2 43 78 67 14 E-mail address: The publication director is Frédéric BALLEREAU, Director of Try&Cert The site manager is Pascal LOBGEOIS


OVH 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 ROUBAIX Phone number : +33 9 72 10 10 07


ART. 1 Purpose of the general terms and conditions of use

The purpose of these general conditions of use (hereinafter the ‘GCU’) is to establish the conditions of access and the rules for use of the website (hereinafter the ‘Site’).

Any person accessing the Site is deemed to have read the Terms and Conditions and undertakes to comply with them.

TRY&CERT reserves the right to modify and update at any time access to the Site and the Terms and Conditions. These changes and updates are binding on the user who must therefore regularly refer to this section to check the GTCU in force.

ART. 2 Purpose of the Website

The Site aims to present the user TRY &CERT, the services offered by TRY &CERT, the latest news for TRY &CERT as well as contact and recruitment.

Art. 3 Site access, availability and use

Access to the Site is possible from a computer, tablet or smartphone connected to a telecommunications network using the communication protocols used on the Internet. This access is free of charge and is not subject to subscription. The equipment (computers, telephone, telecommunication means, etc.) used to access the site is the exclusive responsibility of the users, as are the telecommunication costs incurred by their use.

The Site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure or events beyond the control of the publisher TRY&CERT (hereinafter the ‘Publisher’). The Editor reserves the right to suspend, interrupt or limit, without prior notice, access to all or part of the Site, in particular for maintenance operations and updates necessary for the proper functioning of the Site and related materials, or for any other reason, including technical. The Publisher is not bound by any obligation of result concerning the availability of the Site. The Publisher is in no way responsible for interruptions and the consequences that may result for the user, particularly when the interruptions are caused by the Host for maintenance or other purposes.

The Publisher grants the user the right to consult and access the information and publications accessible on the Site.

In particular, but without this list being exhaustive, the user undertakes not to:

  • to use the Site for commercial purposes and, in general, to offer products and services that remunerate him directly or indirectly;
  • to ‘resell’ or make available to a third party and/or other users, for a fee and/or free of charge, the content of the Site.

Art. 4 Intellectual property rights

In general, the user undertakes not to infringe the intellectual property rights (copyright, neighbouring rights, sui generis rights of database producers, trademark rights, domain names, etc.) of the Publisher.

The Publisher holds all intellectual property rights to both the structure and content of the Site (text, logos, images, sound elements, software, icons, layout, database, etc.) or has regularly acquired the rights to use the structure and content of the Site, without limitation. The User is therefore prohibited from copying, reproducing, representing, modifying and/or exploiting, transferring in any way whatsoever and for any purpose whatsoever, all or part of the structure and content of the Site, except with the express prior written authorisation of the Publisher.

The trademarks and logos reproduced on the Site are registered with the relevant Offices by the companies that own them. Any reproduction of the names or logos, by any means whatsoever, without the prior authorisation of the owner concerned, is prohibited.

Failure to comply with these prohibitions may constitute an act of counterfeiting and/or unfair and parasitic competition for which the user may be held civilly and/or criminally liable.

Art. 5 Hyperlinks

5.1 Hypertext links to the Site

The establishment of a hyperlink pointing to the Site requires the prior authorization of TRY&CERT. Please contact the Site Manager for such a request.

5.2 Hypertext links on the Site

Links to other sites, private or official, French or foreign, may be offered. Where appropriate, TRY&CERT can in no way be held responsible for the content of sites that are the subject of a hypertext link from this Site.


6.1 Definitions

Personal data means any information that can be used to identify, directly or indirectly, a natural person.

Controller means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which establishes the purposes and means of the processing operation.

RGPD refers to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, known as the General Data Protection Regulation.

Processing means any operation, or set of operations, relating to Personal Data, whatever the process used (collection, recording, organisation, storage, adaptation, modification, etc.).

6.2 Processing of Personal Data

The user is informed that personal data are processed under the responsibility of TRY&CERT.

Personal Data is collected from the information that the user provides on the Site via the contact form. In this context, the Personal Data collected is as follows: surname, first name, company name, job title, e-mail address and any other Personal Data supplied by the user in the message section of the contact form.

Personal Data may also be collected in the event of an application or during oral exchanges by e-mail, telephone or post. In this case, the Personal Data collected may be similar to that collected via the contact form. The following Personal Data may also be collected in this context:

  • If applying for a job: CV, covering letter, interview data;
  • in the case of recruitment: all the information needed to draw up the employment contract;
  • in the case of a commercial relationship: history of exchanges, etc.

The personal data collected enables TRY&CERT to:

  • manage applications;
  • to recontact the user following a request for contact, information, a quotation, etc.
  • If applicable :
    • offer services that meet the prospect’s needs;
    • manage the commercial or professional relationship that may result
  • for canvassing, surveys, analyses, communications and newsletters.

This Personal Data is kept :

  • if applying for a job: 1 year
  • in the event of recruitment: throughout the duration of the contract and 5 years after the end of the employment contract
  • in the case of a commercial relationship: for the entire duration of the commercial relationship and for 5 years after the end of the commercial relationship.

The Processing carried out is based on the legitimate interests of TRY&CERT.

The recipients of personal data are TRY &CERT, members of its commercial network and any services relating to the Site and in particular the host. In any event, such Personal Data shall remain confidential.

6.3 Rights of persons affected by Processing

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of 06 January 1978, as amended, and with the provisions of the RGPD, each person concerned by a Processing operation has the right to access, rectify, limit, object to and delete their Personal Data.

Anyone who can prove their identity, by means of a photocopy of an identity document, may exercise their rights by sending a request to :

  • by post to the following address TRY&CERT 4 RUE ANDRE CAMPRA – 93200 SAINT-DENIS – FRANCE
  • by e-mail to

The request must specify the address to which the reply should be sent.

If, after contacting us, the person concerned by the Processing considers that their rights with regard to their Personal Data have not been respected, they may lodge a complaint with the CNIL.

6.4 In accordance with article 6 of the Law of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, the host will store your connection data, which is covered by professional secrecy and processed in compliance with the legal provisions on personal data.

6.5 Cookies

When browsing the Site, cookies are placed on the user’s terminal (computer, mobile phone, tablet or any other device used for browsing the Internet). Cookies are small files created during your visit to the Site and stored on the hard disk of the user’s terminal by the Site’s server.

Site users’ consent to the use of cookies is collected when they first connect to the Site. In the case of cookies, you may withdraw your consent at any time, it being specified that withdrawal of consent has no retroactive effect on the processing already carried out.

Different types of cookies are placed on the Site:

  • Cookies necessary for the operation of the Site – Necessary cookies help to make the Site usable by activating basic functions such as page navigation and access to secure areas of the Site. The Site cannot function properly without these cookies. Users of the Site may not prevent the presence of these cookies.
  • Functional cookies – These cookies remember the user’s choices and preferences in order to offer personalised browsing, supply relevant content and thus improve user comfort.
  • Performance cookies – These are specialised cookies used to gather information. They are used to better comprise user behaviour for the purposes of analysis, improvement and optimisation of the Site’s performance.

La liste ci-dessous détaille les cookies utilisés sur le Site :

_gaLe cookie _ga, installé par Google Analytics, calcule les données des visiteurs, des sessions et des campagnes et assure également le suivi de l'utilisation du site pour le rapport d'analyse du site. Le cookie stocke les informations de manière anonyme et attribue un numéro généré de manière aléatoire pour reconnaître les visiteurs uniques.
_ga_Q2D7W3M1KRCe cookie est installé par Google Analytics.
CONSENTYouTube définit ce cookie via des vidéos YouTube intégrées et enregistre des données statistiques anonymes.
cookielawinfo-checkbox-advertisementDéfini par le plugin GDPR Cookie Consent, ce cookie est utilisé pour enregistrer le consentement de l'utilisateur pour les cookies de la catégorie "Publicité".
cookielawinfo-checkbox-analyticsCe cookie est défini par le plugin GDPR Cookie Consent. Le cookie est utilisé pour stocker le consentement de l'utilisateur pour les cookies dans la catégorie "Analytics".
cookielawinfo-checkbox-functionalLe cookie est défini par GDPR cookie consent pour enregistrer le consentement de l'utilisateur pour les cookies dans la catégorie "Fonctionnel".
cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessaryCe cookie est défini par le plugin GDPR Cookie Consent. Les cookies sont utilisés pour stocker le consentement de l'utilisateur pour les cookies dans la catégorie "Nécessaire".
cookielawinfo-checkbox-othersCe cookie est défini par le plugin GDPR Cookie Consent. Le cookie est utilisé pour stocker le consentement de l'utilisateur pour les cookies dans la catégorie "Autre.
cookielawinfo-checkbox-performanceCe cookie est défini par le plugin GDPR Cookie Consent. Le cookie est utilisé pour stocker le consentement de l'utilisateur pour les cookies dans la catégorie "Performance".
CookieLawInfoConsentEnregistre l'état du bouton par défaut de la catégorie correspondante et l'état du CCPA. Il fonctionne uniquement en coordination avec le cookie principal.
viewed_cookie_policyLe cookie est défini par le plugin GDPR Cookie Consent et est utilisé pour stocker si l'utilisateur a consenti ou non à l'utilisation de cookies. Il ne stocke aucune donnée personnelle.
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVEUn cookie défini par YouTube pour mesurer la bande passante qui détermine si l'utilisateur obtient la nouvelle ou l'ancienne interface du lecteur.
YSCLe cookie YSC est défini par Youtube et est utilisé pour suivre les vues des vidéos intégrées sur les pages Youtube.
yt-remote-connected-devicesYouTube définit ce cookie pour stocker les préférences vidéo de l'utilisateur à l'aide de la vidéo YouTube intégrée.
yt-remote-device-idYouTube définit ce cookie pour stocker les préférences vidéo de l'utilisateur à l'aide de la vidéo YouTube intégrée.

To view the full list of cookies by purpose and how long they are kept, please click on the cookie management banner that appears at the bottom of the screen when you open the site.

Users can restrict the use of cookies or delete cookies deposited by sites on their device by configuring their browsers. The configuration of each browser is different. It is described in your browser’s help menu, which will tell you how to modify your cookie preferences. You can find more information about changing settings on the CNIL website at the following address: https: //


TRY&CERT makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and regular updating of information published on this Site. TRY&CERT and the aforementioned service providers reserve the right to correct and modify the content of the Site at any time without their liability being incurred as a result, TRY&CERT being able to make improvements and/or changes to the product(s) described on this Site at any time. However, it may not be held liable in the event of errors, lack of availability of features and/or the presence of viruses on the site.


In accordance with the law of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the economy, you can alert the host to the presence of content that you consider unlawful by filling in the downloadable form (click on the link). The host will assess the illegal nature of the content brought to its attention.

Any person who presents content or an activity as unlawful with the aim of obtaining its removal or stopping its dissemination, when they know this information to be inaccurate, is punishable by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros.


The GCU are governed by French law.

In the event of any dispute relating to the interpretation, validity or performance of these GTC, the user and the Publisher agree to use their best efforts to settle the dispute amicably.

In the event that an amicable agreement cannot be reached, any dispute relating to the interpretation or performance of these GCU will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Paris courts.